Legs Creative Arts
Promoting Creativity
Creative Arts
A Non-Profit Company
Legs Creative Arts CIC was set up to develop initiatives to engage and inspire the local community and to appeal to a wide range of individuals of all ages. The creative arts umbrella covers a wide range of disciplines including: Dance, Drama, Music, Arts and crafts, Fitness and Performing Arts
We believe the wellbeing of individuals is important. We offer opportunities to positively contribute to the community. Legs will deliver well-being outcomes. Various innovative programmes will offer: Confidence building, Skills development, Social inclusion, opportunities to form positive relationships and increased physical Health.
We recognise the importance of creative expression of ideas, experiences and emotions in a range of media, including music, performing arts, literature and the visual arts. Cultural knowledge includes an awareness of local, national and European cultural heritage and their place in the world.
Legs Creative is different to anything else I’ve ever belonged to. It’s like one big family. I get so much out of the classes and the information and advice you provide. Keep it up guys. We need more pople like you in the world!